GIC Portugal


The need to understand our oceans to be able to combat climate change has never been greater.

Many leading nations have over the past 3 years created new ocean-focused clusters on a national level.

To move results faster a global approach is needed, as a result GSF now launch the global ocean cluster program with the ambition to connect oceans, research and nations and ensure that solutions are created faster, research shared with everyone, and to limit the waste of resources. First in line to open is Portugal with office in Lisbon. 


daniela baunsgaard

Daniela Baunsgaard is the Director of the Global Ocean Cluster in Portugal, with over 20 years of experience in graphic design. She specializes in creative tools and processes, strategic planning, market research, creation, and project and team management. At GSF, Daniela is responsible for executing internal and external communication campaigns aimed at accelerating solution development, sharing research globally, and optimizing resources. The first Global Ocean Cluster office will open in Lisbon, underscoring her commitment to combating climate change through the unification of oceans, research, and nations.