Private Equity focused on technology and innovative investments that advance the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The Global Sustainability Fund “GSF” is a private, Canada-domiciled investment partnership

magnifying the impact of UN innovation initiatives by investing in companies and technologies that are identified and fostered by a network of Global Innovation Centers.

Change creation

To reach 2030 SDG goals innovation is needed by whoever creates it, wherever it happens

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of Uganda’s population started companies in the past 2 years, 2% in the USA

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of companies in USA are started by white upper middle-class males, 50% in Europe

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of start ups in Northern Europe are led by women, 9% in USA

Now is the time to act, we’re past indecision, we’re beyond waiting. GSF is about action.

“With the knowledge that we must involve the private sector and visionary countries who want to lead the way in making global change, we will work within the overlap”

GIC Locations

Antigua & Barbuda


South Korea

Global Ocean Cluster

We need to have a deeper, more sustainable understanding and relationship with the ocean and water in order to increase global economic prosperity while also addressing climate change.

The companies that emerge from The UN’s global innovation programs are in a prime position to positively impact the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

However, these companies often require significant capital to allow them to fulfil their full potential. That’s where GSF comes in.